Life’s full of (NOT) Surprises.

Erin Michelle
3 min readAug 2, 2022


About a month ago, I could tell you that life was going swell for me. I felt like I had everything I wanted and needed.

I was back in nursing school and I had a man in my life that I was in love with, and saw a future with.

Well. Technically — I supposedly ‘do’ have a man still.

It’s long and complicated. Perhaps another story to follow.

Right now, things aren’t technically a mess? Rather, just up in the air.

Long story short, I met my Mr. Handsome around 4 months ago (yeeeeah, I know), had plans to move in together, he ‘supposedly’ got a ring for me (which I honestly think he really did do), everything was going great. My family loved(s) him, we all did (do). Near the beginning of July, he went back home to Alabama, because his Granddaddy was sick and ended up passing away.

He’s still not home. Yet.

Now, I know people grieve in many different ways. I do. And over the recent years, I’ve learned to, and am still learning, to lower down my expectations — of how people should act and how people act in their own little ways. Something that’s to me, reallyyyy hard but nevertheless, I’m trying.

During the whole month that Mr. Handsome is down at home, I’ve talked to him on the phone maybe twice. Twice. Texted. But 2 phone calls.


Right before he was supposed to come home last week, his parents got into a car crash while driving him to the airport. Nobody was seriously injured; his dad had bad whiplash, but everyone was okay, thankfully. So he stayed with his parents an extra three days to help them out a bit around their house. On Thursday of last week, he was driving home (he ended up getting really sick while staying at his parents, and tested + for COVID……), and only got as far as Roanoke, VA. We reside in Maryland. SO. He’s been in a hotel room in Roanoke since Thursday. I understand he isn’t feeling well, I do. He said last week that if he feels worse, he wants me to come up there to be with him, which I obviously said okay — I miss(ed) him so much!

The next day, it was 1pm and I hadn’t heard anything from him. So I call him, text him, tell him I’m worried; he texts me back saying he feels awful, so I offer to come up to him. He says “no, I don’t want you to babe. When I’m really sick, you know I just wanna be alone”. I do, so no problem.

For the next couple of days, I call him, text him, tell him I’m worried about him. He occasionally responds saying he’s resting, he’ll talk to me later, he lost his voice, blah blah blah.

Anyone else smell anything ‘fishy’ going on here?

Image via istock

I swear something weird is going on, but I don’t know what. But something. My mom agrees — as much as she loves him, she’s told me from day one, “I just can’t figure him out, there’s something off about him but I don’t know what”. Mr. Handsome is on the quiet and reserved side, he jokes around and laughs; I personally have not seen him really laugh hard at anything, and maybe I can’t figure him out either. I don’t know, but something seems off to me and it’s driving me crazy. Someone who I would talk to everyday nonstop about anything and everything, to somebody I apparently hardly even know.

So, this is my life, folks! Feels like somewhat of a Lifetime movie.

Oh, and his background check came back clean.

Do y’all think something seems fishy, going on here? Or am I just being weird and looking too much into things? Either way, Mr. Handsome is driving me crazy.



Erin Michelle

Depression Survivor, Writer, Nursing Student and Yorkie Mom.