Future Husband, This is For You..

There are some things you must know.

Erin Michelle
4 min readOct 18, 2022
Unsplash via Vince Fleming

I’m glad we finally found each other! It’s about time. There are a few things that you should know, so listen carefully:

  1. I will be the most honest critic and your biggest supporter in your life.

I’ll always tell you the raw and honest truth, whether you like it or not. I’ll give you honest feedback and will always be your number one fan; I’ll constantly be on the sidelines, cheering you on obnoxiously and clapping as loud as I can in the front row — just a fair warning. There will always be high respect for you.

2. I hope you are the biggest weirdo.

I’m signing up for a lifetime deal here, so you must be as crazy and absurd as I am, which is why I’m probably marrying you in the first place. I am crazy silly but serious when I absolutely need to be, life’s too short to just be ‘normal’. I find the smallest things funny and will laugh without knowing why sometimes, so you’ll need to be able to keep up with all the sillies of my being and my love for things way out of the ordinary. I’ll find myself snorting when laughing too hard, sometimes. So please, keep me laughing and be by my side whenever I feel like the world is falling apart.

3. We will always own a dog(s).

Like, honestly. This is how it must be. I am a dog lover, and the pups need us. This is the life we must live. Whenever I see a dog, I will light up like a Christmas tree and get very excited, it will be cute.

4. Our interests in life won’t always match up.

And that’s completely okay. I want you to have your own personal interests, too! I want to know and see you get excited about your passions in life, so that I can get excited about them as well. I wouldn’t expect us to have the same interests as one another, that would be wacky. Just to see you get all pumped up on what you love will make my day to see you happy!

5. The adventures we take and have won’t always be the grandest.

Like getting gas on the way home, or stopping at the grocery store. Some will be boring, but I’ll be with you, so that's fine with me. Everyday won’t be a picture-perfect post to the ‘gram, but in fact, I’d rather keep our best lives private. The adventures we make ourselves will be so special to us, maybe not to others. But to us? They will be everything.

6. My Mom will absolutely adore you.

She will be fascinated with you, because you are in love with her ‘little girl’. She will treat you as if you are one of her own and make you roast beef dinners all the time, so you damn sure better like it. My mom is one of my best friends and has stood by me thru everything, and I don’t know what I’d do without her, so you’d better be kind.

7. When I love, I love with my whole heart.

I love hard. I go all in, I give my everything and so much more. I promise to love you, ‘till death do us part. I will honor, respect & obey you every single day. I will love you deeply.

8. In no way am I in competition with your past.

There have been some important people who have carved their way into your heart in the past. I don’t want to erase any memories, or try to erase them. You have loved before, and so have I; I too have memories like you and they too are valid, just like yours. Each and every one serves a purpose. Let’s not pretend we are each other’s firsts, we are each other’s now. That is way more important to me than anything.

9. I will never give up on us.

I don’t believe in divorce and I never will. If there is a problem, we work that shit out. There’s nothing we can’t fix together. I promise you I won’t walk away, I’ll stand by your side all the way through. Times will get tough every now and then, believe me, but we can make it. We will both fight and be too stubborn to admit what we did wrong, but I want to work it out, always. I don’t want to go to sleep mad at one another. We can’t let life get the best of us.

10. You are my best friend.

That’s why I am marrying you. I wouldn’t wanna marry anyone else. I’ve seen romance come and go, we both have. But you and I together have built a foundation on love, trust, courage and support. You are the one I want to tell all my secrets to, whom I won’t be able to wait and see everyday. I know you’ll always have my back and I’m so grateful I found you.



Erin Michelle

Depression Survivor, Writer, Nursing Student and Yorkie Mom.