Liar Liar, Pants on Fire.About a month and a half or so ago, my life took a deep dive into darkness, all centered around a 36-year old guy that I once thought was…Oct 13, 20226Oct 13, 20226
Life’s full of (NOT) Surprises.About a month ago, I could tell you that life was going swell for me. I felt like I had everything I wanted and needed.Aug 2, 20223Aug 2, 20223
After Losing a lot of Friendships and Relationships, I Realized that Something Had to Give.Sometimes, digging deeper into your soul is the best thing you can do for yourselfJun 29, 20212Jun 29, 20212
The Only Person You Truly Have Is Yourself. So Be Kind To HerBecause at the end of the day, you can’t leave yourselfNov 28, 2020Nov 28, 2020
My Anxious Attachment is Literally Putting Me Through HellAnd trying to heal through it feels like its killing me softly.Nov 24, 20206Nov 24, 20206
Am I crazy, or is it BPD?Looking back at my life during childhood gives a whole new perspective.Nov 11, 20201Nov 11, 20201
Dear, There Will be Days Like This.Yesterday, more specifically January 3 — the start of 2020 — was a pretty bad day. When I say ‘pretty bad’, I actually mean the worst…Jan 8, 20201Jan 8, 20201
Acceptance in the End Stage.I pause to look back at where I am, and what I’ve accomplished, despite me telling myself I’ll never get here.Aug 3, 20192Aug 3, 20192
The Hardest TruthOne of the hardest pills I’m trying to swallow right now is the fact that people change. People change over time, whether you want to…May 27, 20193May 27, 20193